Philosophy & Values



At Lenox Children’s Center we cultivate a caring community that supports all children to develop and learn. The foundation for this community is consistent, positive relationships between the teachers and children, among children, among teachers, and between teachers, staff and families. 


A child’s social, emotional, and behavioral adjustment is important in predicting school success. Studies have linked emotional competence to both enhanced cognitive performance and academic achievement. Social/emotional factors such as independence, responsibility, self-regulation, and cooperation, predict how well children make the transition to school and how they fare in the early grades. We encourage children to express their feelings in effective ways. They learn to trust that their needs will be recognized, while understanding how their actions have an impact on others. Our goal is to help each child feel confident and competent in forming and maintaining healthy relationships with others in order to be successful in school and in life.


We strongly believe that if children are exposed to a variety of differences at an early age there will be a lot more tolerance in the world. Lenox Children's Center does not discriminate in providing services to children and their families based on race, religion, cultural heritage, political belief, marital status, disability or sexual orientation. Teachers, staff and caregivers at LCC work toward creating an atmosphere of acceptance, inclusion, and respect for all. 


Each day at the Center provides a balance of active and quiet times, child-guided and teacher-guided activities, small and large group learning experiences, and indoor and outdoor play. Children explore a variety of creative subjects including art, music, cooking, science and technology, combined with mathematics and literacy concepts. These experiences are taught in ways that are engaging and developmentally appropriate to ensure growth in all areas while inspiring a love of learning. To strengthen children’s sense of confidence as learners, teachers encourage motivation, persistence and willingness to take risks, enabling each child to be genuinely successful and to be challenged. 


Lenox Children’s Center offers the opportunity for each child to grow and learn according to his or her unique temperament and rate of development. Curriculum is carefully planned to enhance and challenge distinct individual needs, interests and abilities. Assessment of children’s development and learning is essential in order to plan, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the classroom experiences. These assessments allow us to monitor each child’s progress, and measure desired outcomes in order to set future goals for success.


We provide a healthy, positive and relaxed environment in which well-qualified staff and teachers offer personal attention, guidance and nurturing to each child. All classroom teachers and caregivers at LCC are encouraged to express their individual educational strengths as they work with children and in their cooperative efforts with other staff members. 


LCC encourages connections through open communication, and urges the family’s participation in our program. Forming partnerships with families is so important, and we seek to establish and maintain regular, frequent two-way communication. Families are fully informed and involved in decisions about their children’s care and education. Staff, teachers and the family share with each other their knowledge of the particular child and understanding of the child’s development and learning as part of day-to-day conversation, as well as in planned conferences and through written progress reports. This open communication allows both parent and child to interconnect their childcare and home experiences.